The track diameter is 10 meters. To ensure safety, we recommend a clearance area with a diameter of 11 meters. (We can customize the track size to meet your requirements; please let us know if you have any special demands.)

We appreciate your interest in our Thomas track train. Regarding your question, yes, you can customize the thomas locomotive according to your practical requirements. Could you please provide a drawing of your site that includes details such as the gradient?

Additionally, the Thomas train typically includes only four cabins. If you’re planning to use a 500-meter track, would you be interested in adding more cabins to accommodate the length of your track?

It is Galvanized Steel, corrosion resistant and does not require much maintenance later on.

Round, Oval, B-shaped, 8-shaped, we can also customize the track according to your venue.

Yes, you can choose to elevate or lower the mini train tracks.. Please tell us your specific requirements for its height.

Please tell us your specific requirements for its height.